Deep vein thrombosis or DVT is a blood clot that forms deep in the veins and most often it occurs in the legs. It could either be a partial or complete blockage of blood flow. As a result, it causes your blood to flow back to the heart and damages the one-way valves in your veins. It could also travel to your lungs and the to major organs, such as the brain, which could prove to be very dangerous. Even if a person is at risk, they could take some steps to prevent DVT.

How to prevent deep vein thrombosis

  • Try losing weight if you are obese.
  • Do not stay still for very long hours. Try moving even when you are traveling in a bus or plane.
  • Wear clothes which are not too tight and drink lots of water when you are traveling.

These are some basic steps which one can follow. In addition to that, one can also follow the other preventive measures:

  • Quit smoking
    If you are a frequent smoker, there are nicotine patches, gums and even sprays available in the market to help you get rid of this dangerous habit. One can even consult a doctor and get proper prescribed medication or join support groups to make it even easier for you.
  • Get regular check-ups for your blood pressure
    It is necessary to get your blood pressure checked at least once a year. Follow the instructions and take medication as provided by your doctor and you will be fine. Talk to your doctor about the chances of clotting whenever you take hormonal drugs like birth control pills or anything during or right after pregnancy.
  • Family history
    One should definitely understand their family’s medical history, as it can help them take extra precaution for deep vein thrombosis.
  • Blood thinners
    Ask your doctor about the need for blood thinners or compression stockings to prevent clots whenever you go to the hospital. Try and stay physically active with a regular routine.
  • Heel-toe exercise
    Exercise can definitely increase the blood flow in your leg. Follow some self-care measures to keep heart failure, diabetes, or any other severe health issues at bay.
  • Eat healthy food
    One of the most important things to do is maintain a healthy diet which is low in fat and high in fiber. So, try eating lots of fruits, vegetables and fish. If you are someone with a desk job, consider taking fish oil pills often to be safe.
  • Pay attention after surgery
    Talk to your doctor about deep vein thrombosis to help reduce risk after a surgery or even hospitalization. DVT is a very serious condition which affects people of all ages. Pay regular visits to a vein specialist who could help you monitor your health.

There are several ways which can help you prevent, treat, and manage this disease. Contact your health specialist as soon as you notice the symptoms of DVT and get yourself treated right away before it the condition worsens.